How Folks Over Fifty Can Stay Healthy

Staying healthy after 50 means establishing the right healthy habits, getting the right tests and screenings and developing an active lifestyle. A healthy body starts with a healthy mind, and making healthy choices each day is a good place to begin. Healthy Habits...

Natural Ways to Prevent Blood Clots

Some think that the commercials are over the top. They use scare tactics that shouldn’t be seen in a prescription commercial. They try to frighten people into thinking it’s a serious issue. The fact of the matter is, blood clots are a serious issue. For...

Risk Factors of Gout

Gout, what Hippocrates called the rich man’s disease is an old disease that renews itself when one overindulges in alcohol-especially beer, and high purine foods-mainly meats and shellfish. It is a type of inflammatory arthritis and can affect any joint but has...

What to Do When Someone Has a Seizure

If nobody in your family has had a seizure, consider yourself among the lucky few. Seizures are, in fact, very common. If you care for an elderly, what will you do to provide immediate support? If you cannot do it properly, you should consider the experts from a home...